Dale Lennox

Yo Stevie, The alleged Ford incident supposedly happened sometime (Ford couldn’t remember where when or who was there) in high school. Frats are usually College.  Did BJ Bill Clinton’s frat have a chant too?  Those guys must REALLY be bad.

John Legend must not have heard of Keith Ellison.

 Karen Monahan isn’t getting any press. Why not?

OMG! OMG! Harvey lost a job to a WHITE WOMAN?? OMG! Call BLM! Call Louis Farrakhan, call the NAACP! Everybody on The ROOT knows this is RACIST AND SEXIST

Why is Obama doing this? Shoot in some places dead people get signed up!

Yeah- those YALE AHs are the worst. 

Pretty simple for Ford- Show up, present evidence, testify to corroborate the evidence, then after the testimony is crap and evidence is ZERO, prepare to get your panties sued off by Kavanaugh. Which I would do until this nutjob is at Salvation Army.


SOOOO where’s the dealer? Something’s wrong with this picture. Stubbs won the primary and she’s still whining?  WTF?

Yo Mikey, I hate to mess up your article, but sending emails is NOT research.  Further, sending emails to WHITE admissions people is racist and flawed.

Actually Republicans are wising up. They are beginning to use the same “rules” as Democrats have been using for years.

Hill was lying and Thomas is one of the most accomplished BLACK men in America. 

Ya mean support like Paula Jones, Juanita Broderick and Kathleen Willy got? Like that?  How is this case different?

Advocate arson? whatever

Probably way sooner than bkpipo address the culture of black on white violence or the culture of black on black violence. How’s that?

Yo Mikey, What part of bkpipo laughing at sissy white liberals is funny? oh and the last line is almost as dumb as:

The stupidity of some criminals amazes me.

Were you cryin when Monica was being assaulted in the Oval Office? 

Police report? Produce it- Without a police report you got dick- or no dick.

Statute of limitations bother YOU?