
I want her to keep winning.

I took my Lexus to my local crazy Honda/Toyota indy this past Monday. Sitting on his shop floor was a customer’s freshly acquired City Turbo 2. I can’t remember the last time I saw something that looked so fun.

Oops, intended to reply to the 170 hp Audi guy. But your Volvo’s 170 hp are also worth quite a bit more than 200 “hp” in 1956.

Your Audi’s 170 SAE net HP, measured at the crank with all accessories, is considerably more than the 200 gross HP (measured who knows how) of the Stude.


Did he just not register them? In my state, you’d be spending $200 a pop just to register them and that would get expensive very fast.

This isn’t a rust-prone area. Very little salt is used here.

Swap in a W12, put wheelie bars on the front, and do drag races in reverse.

So you’re citing a bunch of 20- to 50-year-old turbo engines to prove a point about new GDI turbos?

Citation needed. Plenty of early 3.5L EcoBoosts are out there with 300,000 or more miles and no “tearing themselves apart.”

Which engine would you rather have: a Ford 2.7l EcoBoost, or the asthmatic mod V-8 from the last Panthers?

Power is useful. So quote power, not displacement.

Why does anyone care about engine displacement anyway? It doesn’t measure anything useful.

I like the current car the best. It’s got nice lines and, I think, the most intuitive ergonomics of the lot. It also looks a bit cheap, like most current BMW interiors, but in a stripped-down special that doesn’t matter at all.

Doug, I’ve abused you plenty over the years, but as a former DC resident who often misses the city I have to say this makes up for everything. Great and very perceptive comment.

This article could also be titled “Preventive Maintenance Works.”

Whatever you say. If you want to worship magic market fairies more power to you. Meanwhile, in the real world, we taxpayers will generously continue to pay to scrape your helmet-less head off the pavement.

Yeah, sure, whatever. Everyone is responsible for their own expenses that can run into the millions. Do you even think for a second about what you’re saying? You really expect the average wage-earner at around $45,000 per year, with kids and a mortgage, to have saved — from the first day they are out of the care of

It’s my business when your stupidity raises both my taxes and my insurance rates. Unless you’re independently rich, someone else is paying for your days in the ER or to scrape your sorry corpse off the road. Sometimes that’s the government, sometimes it’s an insurance company. Either way everyone’s paying for it.

Those stretched tires ruin the whole thing. So ugly.