
You also may have neighbors narc on you. Here in Washington, there is a phone line to call if you think someone is cheating on the registration laws. And the cost of a Washington registration, while not one of the worst in the country, is high enough that people get seriously annoyed at cheaters.

We’ll consider the CT6 when it’s actually available. So far, you can’t get one.

The 7 has, far and away, the worst reliability record in the luxobarge class. Basically it goes like this: Lexus LS - excellent; S-Class and A8 - average or a bit better; 7 Series - horrendous.

Maybe a local area thing. Around here, that crowd is seriously into diesel X5s. It seems like every new one I see has the 35d badge on it.

Ignore the haters. I love my FiveFingers. They’re the only shoes I’ve found in the last two decades that let me run without pain.

Almost certainly not. Most tint people are using lets 25% or less of the light through (often just 5%). No LED is going to quadruple your brightness. The very best ones may come close to doubling it.

Properly engineered LED lights are awesome, especially for brake and turn signal applications where the instant-on characteristic is a big advantage.

The turbine car was premature. A tiny turbine would be an excellent partner for an electric motor in a modern hybrid. And all the better: if you run out of fuel and electrons, just pour your cologne, perfume, or high-proof booze in the tank.

There was a Mad Max promo car in downtown Seattle yesterday. The driver was driving like a complete asshat. I guess he forgot he wasn’t in the game.

Yes. My first car had them. I do not miss the contortions to roll the windows down one bit.

Isn’t the point of BCO to realize just how badly humanity is doomed?

It done broked and the smoke came out.

That IAF 707 looks like a grizzled old soldier who’s done one more tour than anyone should have to.

Three-blink blinkers are tools of the devil (or at least of the douchebag). Three blinks is just not enough. Not everyone is looking at you all the time.

Which would you rather be thinking about while driving: driving, or how the damn temperature is too hot, too cold, too hot, etc.?

So in other words, you’re driving past the limit of grip, trying to drift or rally on public roads, and blaming the stability control for your own failure to drive appropriately for conditions.

“Stability control has tried to kill me.”

Stability control basically prevents certain types of accidents, and has had a dramatic effect on accident rates. The annoyance it can cause in the snow isn’t on the same level.

Add stability control. Similar reasoning, even more dramatic effect.

A few answers...