
The solution seems simple. If the article wasn’t pulled due to managerial oversight, then editorial staff have the right to restore it. Companies aren’t democracies, they don’t need a 51% majority to take every single action. If ‘all staff’ is the only objection, change it to say ‘staff’ or ‘editorial staff’ or even

Keep pushing! You’ve probably heard it before but Shadowbringers is so worth it!

Stormblood was a bit of a slog. That tends to be the complaint about it.

Surprised this article sounds so on board with this when only a few weeks ago you were suggesting such an outcome “would risk reinforcing the long-held societal idea that women’s bodies are inherently sexual. Worse, Twitch would ultimately be in charge of enforcing what is sexual and what is not”

I remember when I was younger and I didn’t give a second thought to how video games were made, or the ordeals and struggles developers would go through to get these products into my hands. I just cared about having fun. Now I live for these kinds of articles, and I’m super excited to read your new book.

Coming from

Came here hoping someone beat me to a reference, was not disappointed...

To be fair, canonically SFV takes place before SFIII, so maybe he hasn’t developed the confidence to free ball yet?

it certainly is good for newcomers. I’ve pushed the ME trilogy on people for a decade, at least I’m pushing them something closer to the modern era now.

I’m almost the direct opposite, and I say this as a massive (no pun intended) Mass Effect fan. 

Yeah but then who’s going to die for oil interests and war profiteers?

i am sorry (genuinely) not sorry (genuinely). 

Dear Ash,

I’m now mired in the long stretch of quests between the end of ARR and the beginning of Heavensward and it’s been rough, slow, and boring.

Never tried it, but I put hot sauce and salsa on eggs. No judgement here, it’s probably great.

I think the best way to strengthen Dreams as a platform is to make it as widespread and accessible as possible. If it wasn’t PS exclusive, I’d say it was the ideal Game Pass game, but maybe the closest possibility is that it should be added to the PS Plus Collection or preloaded onto PS5s like Astro’s Playroom. That

It’s the same as “Kotaku reports”. It’s a shorthand for the publication, pretty standard for any journalistic reference. The author itself is named only if relevant, past employment or not, or if somehow it breaks with the publisher stance.

This . Started using one playing Wow a few years back , and once you get used to it its easy to access 11 or 12 buttons on the mouse (theres actually more than that but my thumb can only stretch so far).Its almost impossible to go back

Same, I won’t buy another mouse without that keypad, if only for wow or FFXIV. Such a quality of life.

It’s no different than a daily columnist having to spit 800 words out even if they don’t have a subject in mind that day. I’m not on TikTok and have barely watched Twitch (I’m an old), but I can understand that content creators have to churn out content in order to keep their followers/subscribers from jumping to the