
Reminds me of this beautiful creature!

It’s a bit embarrassing to admit, but when I saw that scene in the movie theater I said, quite loudly, “What the fuck?” It has tainted the film for me forever, even though it’s a pretty good movie.

I’m guessing in my brief experience with the latest Smash game I missed Smash Tour, but that sounds like a blast. I can see how it wouldn’t be appealing to some, but it sounds like a grand ol’ time, to me.

Happens to the best of us! Keep up the great work!

Woah, woah, woah. Mario Tennis was on the Virtual Boy before the Nintendo 64 ever released, and that version was pretty solid.

Shows as $25 for me. Is there some sort of code?

Shows as $25 for me. Is there some sort of code?

I bought Voez the day I got my Switch. Awesome game.


This is easily the most important video game series in my life. I may not have finished all of them, but I’ve tried every single title and spent years playing the MMOs. I don’t think I’d be the gamer I am today if it weren’t for Final Fantasy.

And this track is going on repeat for the rest of the day.

Pretty hyped to see Spider-Gwen.

It’s about. Damn. Time.


Wildstar, my greatest hope turned into my greatest sadness.

Jet Set Radio Future!

I showed up about an hour before Target opened and was able to walk away with one with no issues.

Yes, Yes and Yes. I loved all three of those games.

Are we talking modern or classic rulesets?

Agreed. I’m budgeting for two for use for all kinds of stuff.

I don’t know, man. I would argue that award goes to Base Wars.