
Actually, I don’t understand how y’all white folks do it—paying all your hard earned money to settle suits brought on by (mostly) white cops. They way folks hate taxes you’d think there would be more outrage within your own communities.

Yanez was exhonerated only because the DA was pressured (or caved) into not becoming an enemy of the police he depends on to collect evidence and support his cases, without which he is a failure, makes no convictions, and loses his job. He did this by deliberately charging Yanez with the wrong kind of Manslaughter

The Root has many great writers, but I appreciate your appreciation of my work. <3


That is the problem, republicans love cops, and white democrats in general love unions way more then black people. Unions are important, but the police shouldn’t have them.

We will not lower ourselves to such a level. There is good and bad in everyone of every race. What we need now more than ever is POC in high places refusing to be bought off by money or loyalty to party. Unfortunately there are few.

I used to fight with boys from Bosnia and Serbia when I lived in Holland. I don’t know why they think they’re better than black people when their countries are the dumpster fires of Europe.

To me, all white people are racist until they prove they are not. I don’t care if they’re Greek, Zamundan, Martian or Serbian.

The NRA’s racism is opportunistic. What they really are is a tool of the gun manufacturing industry to stoke demand for guns. Any fear will do.

Real question:

google says 5-7

44.81% of respondents have ignored the probability that Han Solo would shoot them under the table if they tried to get a beer with him.

Thank you, Ms. McGruder. I encourage everyone who wants to see us progress as a race, and nation, to do SOMETHING — to use our talents, time and money
to overturn every policy, law and custom which undermines our ability to conduct our lives as we see fit. White Supremacy be damned.

His family tree doesn’t look like it has any branches...

1. Don’t ask.

This is sorta ironic in relation to the other post about fried chicken...

You need a permit to hold a fund-raiser for crippled kids too. I admit there’s humor in the irony that poking a stick at the Man starts by getting permission from same.