They used to be. Hell, I used to be. But then we got Glenn Beckd. Now it’s just full of bros. Or maybe it was then too and I just hadn’t taken the blinders off yet. I dunno though, we rallied against Bush pretty hard, and I can’t see them doing that now.
It really is for some of us. I was raised with my four sisters by my single mom and thought I was the most enlightened guy on the planet in terms of how women view things.
The last time Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg were in the Boston Police Department Jack Nicholson and Leonardo DiCaprio were killed.
Fair enough
According to 2pac’s “I Wonder If Heaven’s Got A Ghetto”, it’s worth a bottle of juice. If you havent’t listened to that song in a while, it seems eerily prophetic. But in reality, we just haven’t made much progress in the 20 years since his death.
Wow, this is my first time hearing of those. It’s pathetic how our society views homeless people. Despite all of our technological advances in some ways we haven’t advanced past the middle ages.
I regret that I have only one upvote to give.
It’s called hostile architecture. It’s a way that some cities deal with the issue of homelessness. Not so much deal with the issue of homelessness actually, but the issue of seeing homeless people in certain areas
It’s like this, but for people instead of birds. That’s right — we look at the homeless like we look at pigeons. Apparently. Except at least we’re okay with feeding the pigeons....
What is that I’m looking at? I assume the spikes are to stop homeless people from taking up residence there?
Anti-vagrancy device to prevent the homeless from sleeping there. Some cities use wavy benches; subtler approach with the same goal.
Could this be what bridges America’s racial divide since they did it to Pink Floyd too?
We shouldn’t even need large amounts of opioid overdose medication. Simply providing addicts with controlled and known amounts of opioids would basically eliminate the largest societal cost of opioids...accidental overdose.
The problem with addiction is you’re addicted.
Why don’t we just feed cancer patients into the grinder? Make homeless people generate electricity on treadmills? Insist women wear their bust size on some sort of tag to ease ogling?
I had to stop reading because I just become so flushed with anger. Instead of pointing the finger back at people with addiction issues, maybe this fucking town should look at why Narcan is so expensive. Another manufacturer of naloxone, I’m pretty sure it was kaleo Pharma, hiked up the price because of the opioid…
The third strike is a bit more gruesome, and Picard admits that it is not a measure to solve a drug problem, but rather to save the city money.
“Why not just fucking die” seems like a bit of poor policy.