
I know this ain’t PC, but it sure seems that Ajit Pai really is as dumb as he looks.

Like it or not, Colbert and Meyers wouldn’t be doing so many Trump jokes and commentaries if the audience didn’t want to hear them.

You could do that... but the Nerd Chef (and the product it’s shamelessly copying, the original Baking Steel) was expressly created for food preparation, meaning that it’s free of chemicals that might contaminate your food; the only prep you’ll probably need would be a quick wipe with a vegetable oil after it’s gotten

You could do that... but the Nerd Chef (and the product it’s shamelessly copying, the original Baking Steel) was

Isn’t one stick of butter plus a quarter-stick five ounces?

Hooking up with the NFL might have been a smart move for a while, but those days are over. Between the owners’ plantation/robber baron mentality and the fact that the game itself turns players’ brains into mush, I cannot in good conscience watch the NFL anymore and I’m sure the number of people who feel the same way

No, Tommy Maitland