
Literally nothing you just wrote is even remotely true.

I appreciate that, I just wish management did the same.

Again, I have personally been recalled back into the office since the start of July. I cannot leave my desk without wearing a mask, I have to have meetings with other coworkers over video chat, and nobody else in the office is allowed to enter our Engineering offices. There is literally no difference in my day-to-day

I’ve driven a manual in stop-and-go Toronto (401) traffic, for over 10 years. It’s still more fun than an automatic.

To be fair, we are also implementing all of those safety measures. The issue I have is why am I waking up much earlier to commute into the office to do the exact thing I could be doing from my living room?

I would like to think that’s true, but at least here in the outskirts of Toronto, traffic is right back to pre-pandemic levels. Companies are calling everyone back to the office as soon as the province says it’s ok to do so.

I also work as a designer and 99.9% of my job can be done remote. I haven’t been in the office since March, and I haven’t missed a beat. Other than the odd time I need to be on the shop floor, there’s zero reason I can’t do my job from home.

I have no sympathy.  Just use a bow then.  You are hunting animals, you don’t need much firepower to kill them.

Engineering firms always find a way around the rules. They will just find other places to hide their billable hours. Trust me.

All the time.  It rains a lot in southern Ontario, we are surrounded by lakes. 


There are still many other guns that people can use to hunt that will still be legal.

Good, we don’t need them in Canada.

They don’t use GT because it’s a video game, while iRacing is a simulator. Totally different animal.

Yeah no, sports video games have nothing to do with real world sports. How many MLB players are practicing by playing The Show? None

Or, kill off all the SUVs altogether.  Keep things simple and just sell cars.

If you feel the need to keep tapping your brakes, you have much larger problems that what colour your signals are.

well first off, it’s not a game, it’s a racing simulator.....

It’s iracing, it’s a legitimate racing simulator, not a video game.

The screen was supposed to look better than the halo. Indy car instead chickened out and just put an ugly screen over a halo.