Vacuum Leak

Yes idiot. Assad will not barel bomb his people with chlorine gas. Russia has to stay out of this and let assad learn the lesson. Obama never had the balls to step in, now that we have the chemical attacks will stop. Will he keep killing anyone he considers a rebel ? Probably. Will the chemical attack happen again ?

Or the ‘hawks fly too low for these AA defenses. Or...

Or he could sit around picking his nose not following through on idle threats like Obama did when Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. But I’m sure your idea is good too.

“I Call On All Civilized Nations To Join Us In Seeking To End This Infinitely Scrolling Blog Disaster”

Wector Wector

Futurliner... FTW!

Pfft. Been done.

The three perpetrators were later found trying to steal a fighter jet from the local air force base.

Let’s be honest, the real crime here is vertical video.

Did it look this fat as a concept? It looks like it went from resembling Model S (good) to resembling Model X (less good)

That’s ballsy. If I showed my bosses what I’ve secretly been working on in the basement, it probably wouldn’t go down as well.

Pretty sure you have bigger things to worry about when you keep mentioning that your family wants to kill each other...

I have a real beef with the way we define practicality as a society. Why is there this universal idea that more


I studied this not too long ago. Vehicle prices over the last 40 years have inflated at a lower rate than average goods, around 4%. Average wages have inflated at an even lower rate, around 3%. So cars aren’t getting more expensive, human labor is getting less expensive. Sorry to get political about it, but this is

Neutral : I know as soon as I post this, some keyboard warrior is going to expound on how I’m fundamentally wrong. But here it goes...if the car companies want to see their sales numbers climb, they need to bring back the truly affordable car. Right now, they’ve been riding high on the markups on trucks and SUVs.

“*psst. She doesn’t want to fuck you even if you call her smart and pretty while politely telling her to shut up.”

psst She doesn’t want to fuck you over your internet white-knighting either. 

Car fuel can melt steel beams!


Your words. You speak the language of my people.