Vacuum Leak

With purple teen-angst hair. It was all so stupid.

I thought this was the best scene in the movie. One, because it looked incredible artistically, sounded cool the way the sound of the explosion came later (yes, I know space is a vacuum and there’s no sound but still), but also because it meant that the most horrific character since Jar Jar Binks was gone.

While I disagree with the text itself, I agree with the sentiment behind the text.

Thank God I saw this before lunch. That profile view would’ve made me spew whatever I’m going to eat all over my key board.

Truex did a good job at the end taking the air off the 18 & 42. Competition has come a long way, but with the splitter on the front end, these cars will remain aero dependent.

Keselowski had some things to say on this. I don’t think he was exaggerating when he said that when the new Toyota unloaded this year, all the teams weren’t sure exactly what to do to have the speed they had.

That’s the joke...

You know what, I’m just going to say it, the show in general isn’t very good.

It seems that he made the decision to leave because the character didn’t develop like they told him it would. That’s what the tweet says.

This is 10x more impressive than the front flip.

I have no issue with properly performing the zipper-merge. However, if I was smart enough to get over early (I don’t mean a mile early, but that I was prepared and knew the lane was closing) and you know that the lane is blocked, choose to mash the gas to jump 10 cars, don’t be surprised if I’m an asshole. Maybe

I for it, except for that boring section right before they come back onto the oval. That’s not going to be all that fun. Wish there was a more high speed section there instead.

The schedules have been set to 2020. I think after that year Charlotte will go back to 2 races on the oval and they’ll add a different/new road course at this point, depending on the success of it.


I can agree with the power/performance one, BUT unfortunately, people are still idiots. Sure a Honda Accord can accelerate faster than a Countach, but is Dave from AT&T using that power when he merges onto the highway? No. No, he isn’t. Dave is afraid to use that power and makes those dangerously slow cars even more

It’s too bad that it requires a VIN to be registered. Slap some lights and a muffler on this thing and it’d be a sweet DD.

Random question: does anyone know if this car was developed in time to be included in GT Sport?

Mine feels tight, stressed, and pain just thinking about it.

To each their own. Maybe I’m just an immature piece of crap.

I’m definitely okay with this. The next step is adding more short tracks/unique tracks to the schedule.