Vacuum Leak

This is so bad I laughed.

I drove an X5 and an X3 on the interstate when I worked at BMW as a porter a couple of years ago and remember thinking to myself “holy shit, this steering feels worse than my Jeep.”

My butt is cramped from clenching for 23 minutes.

You can cook a hotdog in the microwave 5 seconds faster than my Jeep gets to 60.

I don’t normally agree with your take on all things NASCAR, but you hit the nail on the head. His quote is accurate, in that if a guy spins, doesn’t make contact with anything, and is able to get off the racing surface without trouble, they won’t throw a caution. Today, however, was not that. As soon as the 11 nosed

What’s the joke here? I want to understand. I want to laugh, too.

This needs moar stars.

Came here for this.

I gave up at “aluminum being the biggest energy cost.”

Obviously, these are functional and necessary here, but would the car look funny if there were no spots and it was all orange?

I am so sick of you people here bringing up things that I already know exist and drawing more attention to them. Add it to the list of things that will drive me insane everyday of my life.

Who is designing Honda’s wheels? Everything about this car is actually really nice looking and then those wheels.

So I can’t find my other comment where I called this ugly. After looking through the pictures I would still call it ugly, and not necessarily in a charming way.

Hot take: its ugly.

This explains Roush’s poor performance. They’ve been spending all their time installing cameras instead of building race cars.

Is this what all people from New York are talking about when they move to Florida and talk about how much better New York is than Florida?

I know that religion and general and Christianity isn’t favored by many people anymore and I understand that these evil people who invoke verses wherever they think they apply are the reason why, but I can confirm as a Christian who prays infrequently, but prays nonetheless, that Jesus isn’t going to breathe death on

The down side of that is that it takes away the fuel strategy that teams like to play. I’m not a fan of fuel mileage races, but I don’t want to take away freedom of choice entirely. So I’m almost on board with that.

Not to mention that a 200 mile range will has to be charged for someone long distances every few days. That’ll kill the little guy. Electricity prices aren’t going to go down.

Kurt Busch won the Daytona 500 this year with a taped up race car.