
don’t be such a grump

As always George... They will deserve it about a year before they’re forced to fight for it. When we argue about rights - and lets be 100% clear on this issue - we are doing so because we have already decided that some group of things is our property. Whether that’s a human slave, an animal, or a machine. In that

I was wondering how long it would take someone to come up with this in a paper. An alien species that was capable of traveling the stars would have no need for a high-gravity, habitable world - they would have solved all the problems with fixing their ships and their systems in-situ thus would only see landing on any

There’s actually an interesting conversation about this that discusses the probability that human are among the early iterations of life in the current universe (at least life in the sense that we understand it) because as the universe has been ‘settling down,’ events like supergiant star supernovae, galaxy