
Also, Rebel Galaxy is a great damn game and you should all a) feel ashamed for not having played it already and b) immediately go out and buy it, play it, and love it.

You need people who live in space to be able to fix said space station fast. You will also require them to be able to innovate and develop new technologies and ideas. Its one of the points I disagree with Issac Arthur on (look him up on Youtube) - that earth might be a base for innovation at first, but odds are much

Who ever said anything about isolated? We’re talking 30-50 mile long O’neill Cylinders to start (which is within our current engineering capacity) So if you do the math, there’s two counter-rotating cylinders for each habitat, measuring about 3-5 miles in radius and 30-50 miles long.

It depends. If certain people here on earth don’t know it is happening, they’ll only find out when the ships come down to lift people off world. We could run it as a science mission to 16 Psyche, and do it as a privately held company written with a covenant for those we intend to take.

I don’t think we’ll ever be free of them unless we are the ones to leave them behind. NASA has all the people we need, and the fucktard in chief (and most of the presidents going back to the 80's) have been alienating them at a steady clip. Imagine what we could do if we focused them on making a self-replicating

As others have said: power. I’ve seen it in my work. I’ve seen it elsewhere. Power is the reason people will try to intimidate, force and dominate those they see as below them. Right now men hold most of that power. Right now men are the ones who are in the best position to abuse it.

Counterpoint: Three words are not enough to make a persuasive argument, or to make you look anything other than petulant. Go ahead and be a malcontent. But while you’re on your grand journey to find the ultra-liberal of your dreams, realistic Democrats and other candidates will continue losing their seats to

No, I still have a point.

But dying doing what you love is living having done what you love until your last breath - especially when it brings you and others happiness while you do it. I’d never hold that against an athlete. You can guess around the choices and armchair quarterback the decision to do it at all, but at the end of the day - his

Some people do understand. Me, personally, I’m considering releasing something that causes everyone to become immortal. *shrug* Imagine having fucked up the earth so bad, then someone comes along and makes it impossible for you to actually die of silly things like hunger or old age so that you have to face the