
That first pic of the 3rd gen ram charger makes my brain throw up!

As if the title didn’t indicate the contents

Perform just as good?

Perform just as good?



More like massive-ly BAD franchises.....

Another reason I despise Tesla. They make cool products, but they’re obviously made with tech in mind first and functionality and common sense 2nd.

Just curious, for your cold brew, do you prefer coarse or fine ground coffee?

I’ve been wondering.... I go to a local shop that grinds bags of coffee you purchase. I always get it ground for a french press but depending on the barista, I either get a very chunky coarse grind or a grind similar to sugar (i.e very granular) Which is better for french press? Does the same apply to cold brew? I ask

Wow, some of you all would take legal action over getting wet for stepping on someone’s grass.... That says alot...

If you were a criminal who bought one of these, and were then arrested for crimes later because of it, could you sue someone for false advertisement? I mean the phones literally did the opposite of what the customer purchasing thought they did.

I predict a return to “that thang gotta hemi” being reborn as “that thing got a hem-e?”

lmao, and the folks that buy “hemi” badged base v6 models, what about them?

Yes, lets crap on probably the 1 single advertising strategy to appeal to american flag wearing, beer drinking, muscle car gas guzzling Americans....

Because for every person here refusing to pay mark ups, there’s at least 10 idiots with an excessive amount of money ready to blow.

1st gen mazda 3 had them.

My hate for this film lies with the annoyance of everything being remade, repackaged and resold to new generations in a watered down substance lacking lump. It doesn’t rekindle the first films generations love for the original, it doesn’t encourage the current generation of kids to want to watch it, its just Lebron

I wouldn’t call it hate, as I don’t hate lebron the baskeball player or philanthropist. I hate what he’s done to space jam, a small nostalgic piece of my youth.

Pretty sure most residents also don’t try and take the turn at 70 mph let alone 150.......

I was a huge fan of the original as I was in 5th grade when it dropped and its still a fun nostalgic trip.

I still don’t get why assassins’ creed hasn’t made a ninja based game, ala tenchu stealth assassins only much better?