
Why do I feel the Type R driver just finished watching FF9?

I can’t be the only person wondering, how many pilots have cracked the cockpit window due to doozy of a fart?

As one of the “poor” saps waiting in line to order a bronco, I consider this new defender, but with the price tag, I just can’t see justifying the price difference. 

Slap some leather seats in, ambient lighting, and a few lexus badges and I’m sure some suckers will happily pay 35k for one so long as the lexus badges say lexus.

I remember being poor in middle school and living vicariously thru gaming magazines at the time (I finessed a free year membership somehow when I was 12). I remember the first issue was titled the console wars and had the Panasonic 3do, the atari jaguar, sega saturn, at the time the nintendo 64 was called the ultra

When I think N64, I immediately remember chilling with my gamer friends in HS, they would have tournaments with each other with goldeneye, and once they got so intense, they decided to tape some cardboard down the middle to prevent screen sniping. Good times!

Reliability, safety and MPG better? Yes, everything else is subjective though...

yadda yadda yadda, they’re all Florida republican scumbags regardless...

People always bitch and moan about our freedoms being taken away, but won’t specify the size of the combo meal they order to a teenager, leaving their freedom of choice to a high schooler making a very anti motivational wage....

What’s so bad about this? Print media is dead as disco, this idea actually makes me want to buy a paper. Does having an ad 1 page before the actual news really mess anything up? You get bombarded with an ad before literally every video you click on the internet.

I’ll take an actual contributing comment over a snarky “you spelled something wrong” remark. Let me guess, you’re the reigning spelling bee champion?

I love stories of inventions born out of failure or accidentally like the slinky, silly putty, etc. 

They couldn’t just make it 1 million dollars? I mean this is slavery, not just simple unpaid wages.....

This may surprise you, but jalopnik actually doesn’t have a newsroom full of journalists chomping at the bit to work on a story, especially over the weekend Chief....

I ALWAYS think about this situation when I’m putting gas in my car. Guess it works.

Predator reference aside, does the tech just not exist to have nightvision and thermal vision in one goggle? also, how far along are they on getting his stealth camo working?

Yeah the “arcana” and mystical dragon tattoos were very accurate....

How to “Snyder Cut” the new mortal kombat movie:

Lets not forget Liu Kangs height issues and stupid hand flame.... “let me warm you” that was so STUPID. I actually liked Kanos character the most surprisingly. It was almost as though he knew the movie was a joke as well

This movie was terrible. Only thing it got right was the costumes. Liu Kang is a midget, the main character Cole is stupid and pointless, and the fight scenes could’ve been much better, especially the fights that they show taking place simultaneously. Even the sets looked terrible with the exception of the frozen gym