
I'm married to a sex and love addict who is also in SLAA. I just saw your post and I'm heading out to dinner for my birthday but I will write more later.

That was me! Hey gurl, good to see you round these parts again.

No but it means you are now able to better understand the racism us whiteys have to deal with!

Yes! I am so happy with all the attention Jezebel is paying this show. I really wish they had given even a fraction of this attention to the brilliant Jane Champion/ Elizabeth Moss show Top of the Lake.

Also only works if the show in question would be in your recently watched group anyways. Just realized this might not be super helpful advice but my husband buys it...I think.

You can get away with this! After watching an episode, rewind to the very beginning, press play and immediately exit. Then start the episode you should technically be on and exit immediately. It should pop up as the next episode to watch when you go back in. Warning: I only know that this works while watching NF on

Maybe its because Eva Green is ridiculously beautiful.

Thank you. The anti-choicers are truly heartless people.

Are you suggesting that being female in and of itself is a disability?

So tropes and sexism are mutually exclusive?

Oh I'm so sorry. I lurk a lot and don't post much. I always enjoy your comments here a lot. There was a resident Jezebel troll in the greys who told someone who was having a conversation with you on this thread not to brother because you're the most anti man jezzie and I thought it was silly and kind of funny. I

I'm really glad that you were able to get out of this situation before any kind of special assault occurred. As someone who is stuck in an unhealthy emotionally abusive relationship ( very long story I'm disabled and possibly will not see my 35th birthday) I want to hug you and also say "wake up! It doesn't have to be

Exactly. Its very empowering to be used like a fuck toilet. My life became so much easier when I stopped caring if men deemed me worthy of their attention.

Oh my, the greys. I've learned that your one of the most militant anti-man commenter of the Jez army! Lol.

Thanks! You just reminded me that I need to schedule my quarterly abortion. Only three more punches on my card left and then the next one will be free.

This is such a heartbreaking story. Thanks for making me chuckle!

I met my husband on-line but we were a bit older than you. I was late twenties and he was early thirties. I think its a great way for young people to connect and get dates especially if you tend to be shy or introverted at get-togethers or bars. I will say that if you are looming for more than sex, you will have to

Sorry I typed this on my phone and cannot edit.

I find his hugging behaviour odd as well. I was molested as a child as well by my father. The sperm donor-as I call him. I bumped into his sister and ex-wife at a political fundraiser where I was managing a booth giving out info on Roe v. Wade and all the laws. Being inacted to try to dismantle our constitutional

Off-topic. Is that you in your pic? If so, you are super cute!