
I’m pretty sure that plenty of campers with extremely dubious quality electrical systems have been plugged in to an NEMA 14-50 for weeks at a time in all kinds of shitty weather without killing everyone.

AC charging is handled on the car side of things anyway. Most those dedicated EV charging boxes are mot much more than outlets with a hose. The car decides when to pull power, not the plug. Your car doesn’t care if the plug is coming out of a dedicated box or a nema outlet.
This is not the case for DC fast charging

I have 2 best decisions. Most recent was a 2000 Honda Insight 5-speed for $500 during the pandemic. Needed brake lines, tires, and a good cleaning. Hybrid battery was supposedly dead. Replaced the brakes and tires cheap and had a running driving car that got 50 mpg for about $1500 total investment. Dug into the

You don’t think that average includes the tons of Tesla sales? You think it’s just a couple Lucids tipping the scales?

Let’s also not forget that dealers shot themselves in the foot with the ADM antics last year. Hell, up until ~May this year, the Ford dealer nearest to me was still putting 5k markups on non-GT Mach Es, and 15k markups on the GT variants.

Truck nuts are gender affirming care.

Nooo... Let them keep their testosterone substitutes. And besides, how would we know who we should be surreptitiously laughing at without the obvious overcompensation indicators like these?

Window stickers that display the make or model of the car. Gee, I wonder what kind of car that is? Oh look on the window, it’s a Charger. Whew, I thought it was a Prius.

If I ever suffer a terrible life tragedy that plunges me into alcoholism and then one day I have an awakening and decide to drop the bottle and reset my life trajectory, my new reason for living will to be a vigilante for dangerous lighting.

Adding all-terrain tires to a vehicle that will never see more than a washboard dirt or gravel road.  I see so many road vehicles with all-terrain tires and between the extremely high road noise and diminished fuel economy, I can’t imagine the rugged look being worth those negatives.  For all the Bronco Raptors I have

What’s Your Perfect $100,000 Garage?

A clear brief (e.g. one you’ve thought about and sweated the details on for a while rather than the half-baked idea with various, contradictory requirements) goes a long way in saving you time and money down the road.

But then he’d have to look at that monstrosity every time he wanted to use it. A face even a mother can’t love.

He was really funny, weird and sweet. And he had such a fascinating impact on comedy and design. His show helped popularize the Memphis style of design (https://www.claasshaus.com/blog/all-saved-by-the-bell-and-pee-wees-playhouse-the-memphis-group) and, when it came time to designing sets and toys, he partnered with

Mom lives in a condo I own. I don’t charge HER rent. No mortgage on that one either.

Car dealers much prefer “payment” buyers.

The US needs more people like you and more public transit infrastructure like you have. 

I won’t ostracize you for the comment, but I will point out you are in the EU and probably have access to vastly superior public transportation system and live in place where infrastructure investment isn’t confused with culture wars and the gender of your partner in life.

I don’t know if I’ll get ostracized for this, but here goes: I don’t own a car, I ride the train for my 50-minute commute. When I need a car, I use a car sharing service. Then it’s usually a small VW (Up!), or a Golf of some sort.