
I’m only slightly embarrased to say this was one of many reasons I purchased mine 30 years ago...

This has actually been covered here before

Mazda 323 GTX.

NASA has always made the best vehicles.

“So other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?” :-)

I get your reasoning here, but have to say I’m still in the hate them camp, as all of the reasons you listed aren’t based on logic but rather an unrealistic perception.
Unless I lived right next to off-road Jeep trails where I could use it in that environment often I couldn’t live with one. If all you’ve ever driven

Places that get lots of snow have these magical things called “snow plows”. I lived in MAINE the first 47 years of my life, never once did I feel like I needed more than an ordinary car to get around in the winter, including being a ski bum all through college in the mountains of western Maine. Snow tires are the

1: Mini Coopers. Very cute looking cars which are also atrociously shitty. Seems like everyone I know who owned one had them in the shop constantly.

2: German cars. Because everyone obnoxiously goes on and on about “ German Engineering” when in reality they’re worse than anything Chrysler makes. Sure. Most are

All of my hatred is rational.

Tesla by a mile. They’re probably good but I cannot separate them from Space Trump. Once he goes away I will test drive one.

Quebec licences are only in French and the Georgia Highway Patrol  or whatever they are have a REAL problem with them, like keep me on the side of the road for close to 4 hours problem 

There’s a reason why New Mexico license plates have USA on them. A lot of people are not very bright, especially when it comes to basic geography.

I got pulled over in Virginia for no reason other than having out-of-country plates that the officer didn’t recognize (Ontario, Canada) and then was told my very-valid-and-perfectly-legal-for use-in-the-USA license (again, Ontario) wasn’t legitimate. That was a fun time.

A Texas cop doesn’t know something?

It’s surely a good point when the sedan body style is disappearing in the US, yet Tesla Model 3 is selling like hot cakes

Dealerships will be the death of good cars.

As always under late stage capitalism, and with stealers in particular, savings are kept as profits and only costs are passed to customers. In a functional society the government would step in, but honestly with the current SCOTUS line up (thanks for nothing, Joe Manchin) what would be the point?

The article states that there is a 100-plus days supply of Hummer EVs. Do you think they just made that up? IMHO the Hummer EV is a bad bad joke, a finger in the eye of anyone who actually cares about the environment, and pointless since Teslas already made EVs cool. I totally admit that I want it to be true that no

To be fair, Miata is always the answer, for better or worse.