
I just wish there was a Cletus Safari out to Norman Oklahoma to interview that drywall installer who just made a $50,000 commitment to a lifted pickup for - uh - ‘work’.

THIS is literally the definition of car-brained. Where you’ll make any and every excuse on why cars are necessary and prioritize cars over changing habits. 

It seems like hammer-nail thinking: our urban planners in North America saw the rise of the private car as a panacea for actual planning work: rather than working with the geographical constraints to build urban centers that prioritized accessibility for all (including those without cars) to reach a wide range of

I make more than average...blah blah blah... can’t imagine a loan that large... blah blah blah... buy used cars... live within your means... blah blah blah.

It’s good that dickheads tend to ID themselves like that so I know to avoid them. 

Stay away from him because he is most likely armed and “will stand his ground” if confronted. He’s also a COVID carrier.

I like these types of stickers because they are a great indicator of what kind of person they are.

The owners fired them after they became aware of the complaints?  Why didn’t they call the cops?  

It’s sad and all that, but I desperately want to know what he was driving.

and there is no way you could inadvertently cross it.

She’s been told (incorrectly) for the past ten years that the borders are “open” and that anyone and everyone can just wander across and immediately be given welfare and some puppies by the US Govt.

What a shame there wasn’t a good guy with a gun there to protect him from that Kentucky thug.

Good job America.

I’m married to a woman that isn’t super interested in cars. There are Manufacturers she doesn’t know about. She’ll call me up and say “I just saw a car that looked interesting. It had an emblem with 3 points, what was it?”

“This just in! Old platforms with ancient tech found to be reliable against new VR-carbon touchscreen-eyeball command-EVs!”

Yes, because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that J.D. Power is the gold standard for independent, data-driven analyses.

Same amount of billionaires; all that’s going to their next of kin.  It’s like royalty...one dies, the next in line is instantly promoted.

I feel bad for the kid, but the rest? Play stupid games win stupid prizes. It always sucks that people have to die before someone goes, “Ya know... maybe there should be some sort of oversight into this sort of thing?”

If there’s one silver lining, it’s that an implosion would have been a quick death and they wouldn’t have suffered like they would if they suffocated. 

Not surprised with Iowa. It’s essentially a drive-through state. Nothing there to see and I’ve gotten a ticket there before. It was 2am on I-80 with wide empty highway but apparently doing 70mph, which was 5 over the limit at that time, was sooooooo dangerous :rolleyes: