
Huh. Conservatives not really into conserving.

The shift from arts to athletics is telling. Physical prowess encouraged, mental acuity discouraged. Athletics are fine, but with the burning of the books and all the other stuff... I mean let’s call it what it is.

Fair enough, and while I would like to see him spit roasted by a pair of his fellow inmates, he’s rich, he’s going to the cushy min security joint.

There’s probably a Dodge LaFemme in there! With an automatic TRANNY!

That’s our petulant little meatball in action. Florida right now is like 1930s Germany with theme parks. I’ve lived here for nearly 40 years. I can’t wait to get the fuck out.

Desantis is just an asshole. No actual agenda, no actual interest in governing. Just the abuse of power going after people who don’t fit his ass-backward ideas. Fuck him. And oh BTW, Happy Indictment Day! Hope that fat fuck gets his ass thrown in federal prison and drops the soap the first day

Please stop referring to these far-right troglodytes as “conservative.” They’re regressive reactionaries. As much as I loathe conservatism, it does require a certain level of intellectual rigor to be a true conservative. These people possess none of that.

They received the eviction notice on May 16th ?

You want them to create pro-level content out of the goodness of their own hearts? They gotta make money somehow. And you can click through quickly.

Is that the same software that wouldn’t unlock someone’s car because it was too far below ground level, in a parking structure?

I’d listen to your wife. She seems like a very smart woman. 

Five years from now:

It sounds like “Cop ODs being in the same room as Fentanyl!” but for firefighters

This reeks of urban legend. Nobody seems to have any proof of such a thing EVER happening, save one guy who saw a little smoke coming off of his upholstery and stopped it.

A functionally illiterate person’s complaint about a book she admitted she didn’t (more like COULDN’T) read merited the blacklisting of the writings of a Harvard graduate.

The hypocrisy and irony are unending. As a people, we climbed a ladder to relative success and prosperity... only to then help pull up the ladder so no one else could use it.

How is this bitch going to be involved in her kid’s education of she can’t fucking read?

As a first-generation descendent of the people who made it over here at first—like in the early 60's—yeah, the Cuban community is rife with white supremacy (Enrique Tarrio is Afro-Cuban, and was the leader of the Proud Boys. Wonders never cease.) However, they did not make it over here with any of the wealth they were

That said I do 100% get road rage sometimes, but I keep the yelling firmly contained inside my car.

Could be, frankly I tend to find driving relaxing. That said I do 100% get road rage sometimes, but I keep the yelling firmly contained inside my car. Even then it’s mostly constrained to things like “man what the fuck” and “fucking move!”