
The Grand Highlander looks literally nothing like a minivan. Where is this “joke” coming from?

It is absolutely true that self-driving cars will encourage people to drive more. for example, right now a lot of people would not drive into downtown areas because of lack of parking. But with self driving cars, you can have the car drop you off downtown, and then drive off somewhere else to park. Rightnow you

This might be the only time in recorded history where Snap On is the bargain option.

Hondata makes an ECU reflash that can bump power up to about 240 or so, at least in the Si. And FWIW I own a ‘23 Si and the stock HP feels perfectly fine. It’s enough to have fun with but not so much that you can’t make effective use of it on the street. 

My grandfather attached a empty metal film canister to the bottom of the removable ashtray in his 1966 Dodge Dart arm rest. That’s where he kept a $50.
None of those things exist anymore.

I appreciate your openness to ask, and willingness to admit not knowing.

I’m glad you’re still here with us. May you live long and prosper.

The first thing I saw her in was 24, and she was wonderful. She more than held her own with Sutherland, which is especially impressive given that he’d already inhabited Jack Bauer for six full seasons at that point. It was great to see her pop up in Bosch as well, and she was one of the bright spots in Picard, too.

Ah yes, Kodak. The company who made the first digital camera, then dumped it, knowing if it caught on it would eat into their lucrative film sales. Talk about sticking your head in the sand. They still teach that story in Business School.

Indoor/outdoor rec area.  With harsh winters, give the neighborhood a place where they can still run around and play ball during the winter months.  Do it right and you can attract leagues and tournaments to bring in visitors/income. 

Landscape it, turn it into a park, or a little patch of woodland, let nature reclaim it in a good way.

Frankly, I don’t care if someone wants to be reckless and maybe kill their pet. It’s sad, but I got more important things to worry about. But it is absolutely distracting and dangerous to people outside the car. It’s the same reason we ban drunk driving and texting while driving - I don’t care if you kill yourself,

That’s a nice way of putting it without using the words “Karen”, “entitled”, or “purse dog”. You must be an awesome Taboo partner at game night ;)

Ya know, If we spent as much time investing in people as much as they invest in their animals, this world would probably be a better place...

Where are the billions of people not living in cities? People routinely overestimate how many Americans live in rural areas. Only about 14% live in rural areas. The rest either suburban or urban. I live in the suburbs too. I bike to work and my sons bike to school. My wife telecommutes full time. So we pretty much do

Believe it or not, there’s more than one way to live a materially-comfortable existence, and we have absolutely zero reason to jump to “there should be fewer people” as the only solution.

Maybe we North Americans should start living like it’s 2023, instead of 1983. There are examples of this all over Europe, East Asia,

Reading the comments section in Jalopnik every time there’s a study that says “cars are bad actually” is both amusing and depressing at the same time. We’re all Jalops, we all love cars, but there’s so many things that we use cars for that just aren’t necessary at the end of the day. Some of it can be easily

For those of you fortunate enough not to know who Michael Shellenberger is, he’s a corporate shill with a background in public relations. He has zero training in any science or environmental subjects, but he is handsomely paid by the nuclear power industry and various conservative think tanks for his “contrarian”

Cylinder deactivation and flat ground.

My family member also includes that aspect as part of their claims against the mysterious “They” that controls everything in the world... whoever “They” are... (and it’s NOT elected governments. Those answer to the “They”)