
The MDX is the correct answer. The Jeep is a fucking Jeep and it’ll die in the most unexpected/inconvenient time and place. Same goes with the Range Rover. The BMW is four-years old. I’d be taking a good long look at the warranty and starting to figure in the cost of some expensive maintenance.

I just wish they actually built the damn thing. More than the 1 example that is. A limited run of road cars would have been amazing. Yes the rotary engine sounded great.

Now playing

Ehm, no… the Furai deserves nothing less than a rotary engine.

That taillight is very BMW-ish.

No this

I get why (market realities), but that hybrid turbo 6 drivetrain should have been debuting in the production version of this:

To be fair about the weight, this car has an actual interior instead of a laptop screen and nothing else. But still ridiculously heavy no matter how you compare it.

I think there’s at least a 50/50 chance this was deliberate. Gotta keep that hype machine rolling.

But people acted like, here in the US, they were forced to remain in doors at all times, can’t go no where and were beaten if you did. Yea if the US handled it like China I can see that, but nobody was stopping you from walking and seeing people at a distance of course. Did nobody have Xbox or something?...But alot of

Sir, your keyboard is showing signs of a stroke.

I left it in the article! with a link and everything! 

Is the back seat of a GLC any better than that of a Accord for his purposes?

Bring the wife and kids?

I can’t help but wonder how much of this is self-selecting - people buy cars for the reputation of reliability, and both subject the car to good maintenance (that aids longevity), and are more willing to spend for the occasional big ticket repair rather than getting rid of it (because, you know, it’s a reliable car!

Corruption thrives in darkness. And daylight is a wonderful disinfectant.

The Winterville Police Department, however, argued that live streaming puts officers at risk by advertising to people associated with stopped drivers exactly where they are.

Yes, like the dealer websites that list every car with “Call for Price.” Nope, not even going to bother with your dealershit. 

Yeah 2 days of gas just last year. About the equivalent of 8 days over the decade. Almost like we are making progress. Albeit slowly.

My poster car was the 1992 Dodge Viper. It was a concept car come to life and it was amazing.

My favorite childhood car is still my favorite 30 years later: the first-gen Acura NSX.