Jesus dude. The Italians get their electronics from the same places everyone else does nowadays. Lazy grab for low hanging fruit.
Jesus dude. The Italians get their electronics from the same places everyone else does nowadays. Lazy grab for low hanging fruit.
Electrical gremlins from hell!
Will I miss the rumble of the 4.7? Sure...
I’m a sports car fan. I’ve owned a bunch yet I find myself waiting for the next electric sports car. I’m wondering how many people like me are holding off on buying a new sports car because we keep hearing that electric cars are coming. The Tesla Model S came out in fucking 2012! The Maserati isn’t coming until 2023…
Van den Plas (three words) was a Belgian coachbuilder that closed down in the thirties.
Vanden Plas (two words) was a separate British company building Van den Plas designs under licence and continued its operation after the Belgian company stopped trading.
It built bodies for all sorts of British carmakers (Bentley,…
I remember Vanden Plas as a trim level on Jaguars in the 90s and early 2000s. What gives?
No stereo because the owner of this car had a string quartet trailing behind on a flatbed truck.
Haha yeah, you don’t have to worry, I’m not the guy clogging the left lane. I watch my mirrors carefully and always move over as soon as reasonable for people to pass if they want to boogie. Especially on a good driving road.
Driving slow in the right place is cool and all, but you know what I miss? Being a passenger. The passenger gets to space out and really take in the scenery, but me not being the driver is so rare that when I can just chill as a passenger, it’s often a treat.
I blame Doug DeMuro for this one. He rated these both very high and it would be the Kia/Hyundai dealerships that would try and play off it.
Yeah in 5 years when it’s worth 12k, they’ll be thrilled to have paid that markup.
Dealer markups on large SUVs that are made by Hyundai and Kia. What a time to be alive.
I’ve always chanced used cars and it’s worked out for me. I’ve bought my BMWs for half off as CPOs less than 3 years old. Part of it is I am meticulous in inspecting the car myself. Checking things like the edges of the tires to see how fast the owner cornered, under the front bumper to see how careful they were…
Yes, the 5th largest economy in the world is lost. Give me a break.
After every large fire in this country there is a process known as B.A.E.R. that takes place directly after the fire is labeled “controlled”. After such, a team of experts is brought it, many of them soil scientists to assess the hazards. One of the side effects of high intensity wildfire is that it causes an effect…
Not to mention the recovering wildlife. Give the locals and what's left of the animals some peace for a while.
Mass transit is the only long-term solution to Southern California traffic issues.