
The LFA engine sounds better. I love the Voodoo and the Coyote engine. The Coyote does things that the LS does with considerably less displacement, and sounds WAY better, IMO. But that wail from the Lexus V10 cannot be beat.

That’s not an engine.

As much as I love my car’s S65 engine, it’s actually from the previous decade.

“No rush to sell!!”

I swear, this website may be the BEST car enthusiast site out there, but goddamn there’s lots of fucking whiners on here.

my dude, getting the koreas to settle down for a bit matters very little when you’re actively trying to light the world on fire. but sure, you do you.

I didn’t know we live in N Korea where we aren’t allowed to criticize our president when he is totally wrong. Funny that instead of agreeing or defending his policy you play the whining card.

As long as someone isn’t trying to pull into the spot on the other side it is totally fine.

Hey snowflake, quit whining about articles that upset your delicate being so much and scroll onto the next one.

I’m pretty certain that the world’s 2nd-largest economy actively working to accelerate climate change, is a real problem.

Tell China I’m winning at vocabulary. 

Trump is probably the biggest problem facing our country at the moment. A completely unqualified imbecile destroying vast swaths of the economy with his moronic tariffs while trying his best to start world war 3. His sole claim to fame is he rode Obama’s economy for 3 years.

Look, these will be fuel economy standards the likes of which very few people have ever seen. Tremendous, tremendous standards made by the greatest president God has ever created. Somewhere in the teens probably. I don’t know, I might make them in the teens. Look it’s freezing and snowing in Washington, we need global

Pretty sure it would be even slower with a manual.

Yeah, I’m doing this, dragging politics into this.

I wish they’d just be honest - “The CUV for your sedentary lifestyle!”

Diesel shines in the fuel economy realm compared to hybrids when you are doing lots of steady state highway cruising. Hybridization really shines in stop and go settings, but adds little on the freeway. So I can see buying diesel over a hybrid equivalent if you mostly do long freeway drives. That said, I can’t imagine

I considered a Flex when I looking to replace my SUV, nearly bought it but another deal floated into view.

Pretty sure we were clued in long before you knew who he was, which is why every article from this generation highlights his greed.

Isn’t every picture of him a dick pic?