
I blame automatics not sucking. Getting an automatic used to have an associated penalty in performance, reliability and mileage. Now they’re faster, more reliable, will tow more (if you’re getting a truck), and get better mileage. The only reason to get a manual now is that you like them. I’m one of those who likes to

I’m a millennial and I can assure you, the Boomers are not the issue here. I’m actually pretty sure that manuals are sticking around still because of all the boomers who insist that a manual is the only way to go for a sports car. Most Millennials I know can’t drive a manual unless they are an enthusiast. I do know

“Or just buy a sports car”

You’re talking about engine flooding. Basically the engine gets flooded with fuel because of a weak ignition system and/or low compression not being able to provide proper combustion. It usually happens after a short trip where the engine didn’t get up to temp yet. The deflooding procedure isn’t hard but usually

As many people as there are who love them, there are just as many who rush to shit on them if you give them the chance.

My RX-8 is one of the most fun and amazing vehicles I’ve ever driven. I love that damn car wholeheartedly. And yet I always tell people to steer clear. “Abso-f***ing-lutely do not buy one.” 

I suppose it is better to build them in-house than out-house; I hear that almost always ends up with a crappy product.

I don’t even try to explain why I love the Mazda rotary to people anymore. It’s one of those things in life where you either get it, or you don’t. I know all the drawbacks. Hell, I wrote a highly viewed article where I tell people not to buy an RX-8.

ok boomer

It’s ironic, because the boomers people direct it at because they’re deserving of scorn probably won’t be offended by it in the slightest. It’s only those who don’t fit the stereotype that the term is supposed to describe who will be.

Boomers deserve every bit of ridicule that can be thrown at them.

You know what's way cooler? Public transport that actually work so the interstates don't look like this. But no. 

But you need to go to the office. That's where the internet spigot is.

Agree with the last part for sure!

The rock was probably texting and wasn’t paying attention to the cars and deserved to get driven over.  

Sedimentary, my dear Watson. 

Taking all that SUV size for granite. Drivers must have rocks for brains.

You are lucky! Living in the city sucks when it comes to driving, i’m mostly stuck just enjoying myself on onramps, though I try to take at least a few days out of the year to go on long drives up into the mountains (during the summer.)

GT350 is awesome...So very awesome.