
I used to get bent out of shape that BMW - despite being competitive with Porsche on the race track - would never quite make an M3 that was a real rival to the 911 GT3.

The M2 is the best 2-door car available from any brand with a real, usable backseat. Plus, on a more shallow note, I wouldn’t be caught dead driving a pony car.

Have you driven an M2?? It is an amazingly easy daily car to live with and really fun when you get to stretch its legs. The gt350 and evora are definitely the more hardcore type of trackable street cars, but thats all it really is. That isnt a knock on those at all, hell Ive driven a GT350 and loved every freakin

This might sound weird, but the M2 is a much more practical car than either of those. Its rear seats are actually usable, it doesn’t chug oil at the same rate as it chugs gasoline, and the NVH doesn’t tire you at anywhere near the same rate.

People who want an M2? <shrug>

The 1 Series M has similar horsepower to the current M240i, and in current terms would cost $55k, which is just a little below the current M2 comp which is at $59k, which is a closer comparison, even if the 1 Series M will be remembered as a better driver’s car

I just detailed my car, I’m here to say the whoosh into every crack and crevice available to them.

Drive faster.

The Jetsons had this idea back in the 70's!

With the way belt lines are migrating, this is inevitable.

I wonder if we could do the same thing in the footwell so I can see just how badly I’ve missed the apex on every corner at the track. Every. Single. One.

This is awesome. Some day in the future, humans may actually be able to see out of Camaros.

They did the race more than once. That’s how all of these things are filmed so that they can get all the coverage they need.

because whoever is told they can wave their dick the hardest is the winner, and at these price points people want to buy cars with the hardest and most winning dick wave

I have the same reaction to 2.6, 3.5, or 4.1 second 0-60 times.

Never. Even when the robots are doing all the driving for us.

My butt dyno is nowhere near finely tuned enough to distinguish between two cars so close in performance at that level. So who fucking cares? The dick waving really needs to just stop, both cars are completely stupidly fast.

At what point will everything be so damn fast that we don’t even bother with looking at 0-60 times anymore?

Well, TBF, if power’s out the gas stations won’t function either. I remember freaking out during the blackout here in 2003 as our cars were running on fumes and we couldn’t get gas. 

A model 3 would be an interesting choice to add to this list.