
That’s what I tell my wife.

They owe you a 10 second car.

Looked at the “Concourse Hat” link.

I’m sure if you really want to fuck some horses, someone on Craigslist can help out. Dream big!

nobody would agree to race against him, thanks to almost certain fear of defeat. With no challengers willing to take on Eclipse, he was put out to stud.

Friendly reminder that during the eclipse all crime is legal.

Ha! Mugshots are classic. One dude clearly thinking, “man, this sucks,” while the other is all, “whoa, our Lambo caught fire!”

They do...I’ve brokered lease deals on high-end cars that are more than my mortgage payment.

The word ‘racist’ has become completely divorced from the concept and reality of racism.

His dad is definitely part of the problem. Explaining away the behavior instead of owning it.

you had a rhyming thing going on with omarosa and sammy sosa, then you ruined it with ben carson. I get your point, but I really liked the rhyming.

Breanna - girl Trump just tweeted that the monuments being taken out will be “greatly missed”

what’s happening, here ? Looks like a guy with a man bun and a terrible posture. So terrible that the feet aim at the opposite of the torso ... do I need more or less coffee ?  

youre kidding right? it looks nothing like a vette. if anything it looks like an F-Type but even thats pushing it

  • A cop car that weighs at least 2 tons slams into the tiniest compact that you can currently buy at 104mph.

2010 Kia Forte SX. TBH the one thing that really kills it is the 5spd auto. It is a shameful gearbox that is so dead set on shifting before 2500rpm and never downshifting that it totally takes the fun out of the car. I’d probably hoon the crap out of it if it was a manual and enjoy it a hell of a lot more.

You cant make this statement and not tell us what it is.

Funding that trillion dollars is highly political. We shouldn’t spend money we don’t have if we’re reflexively cutting our tax base. The economy literally has to grow like 3x before break even occurs if we’re going to enacte every Tax Cut proposal trump wants. And guess what? That doesn’t include a fucking trillion

Who is going to build the infrastructure? No average American is willing to during hot or cold days with low pay. I am all for rebuilding American roads and bridges, but no one wants to get dirty and do it.