
Mug shot of the driver of the Mclaren...

“Fluid spill”...

The amount of just vile comments and piss and venom being directed at this ‘neverspeakawordagain’ user is just staggering, and beyond disgusting.

Your local McDonald’s franchise is also a middle-man between the customer and McDonald’s corporate headquarters that sets prices on things. Would you feel comfortable going to McDonald’s, ordering something off the dollar menu, but then telling the cashier you only want to pay 85 cents?

The last two times I bought a new car, the process was so painless and effortless it made me really wonder what people are talking about when they talk about buying a car being a difficult experience.

I’m sure some of you will vehemently disagree with me here, but frankly paying sticker/no negotiable pricing should be the standard for new vehicle purchase. I realize some people get off on negotiating price on a lot (all?) purchases, but imagine how much more enjoyable a car purchase would be if the MSRP was just

I don’t know what to tell you. I didn’t get anything handed to me. I grew up extremely poor, raised by grandparents on social security and a tiny union pension. I’ve just never been a haggler. When I started my current job (I later found out), I started at a salary $25K less than I could have gotten, because I just

My sister is a waitress and bartender, full-time. I worked in factories and food service and lots of other shitty jobs before I want to law school. Those people absolutely do need — and deserve — more than they’re getting. I do plenty of charity work as it is — my wife works in a homeless shelter / domestic violence

Oh yeah, absolutely I’ve said no before. Two cars ago I bought a Porsche Cayman, was going through options with a dealer with a car he had on the lot, and I mentioned that I didn’t want it with the particular type of leather trim that that car had. He said he could knock the price down on that option, and I stopped

My current car, which I purchased new for full MSRP, is a 2015 Mustang with an MSRP of around $43K.

It’s certainly not for “absolutely no reason.” I mean, to give a parallel — I’m a good tipper. I always like to tip well, even at places I’m never going to be going to again, because it gives me a feeling of accomplishment and makes me feel like I’m doing something good for people in need. So I always tip 40%-60% at

The strategy I’ve never implemented because whenever I go to buy a used vehicle I always want *that* specific vehicle...

My usual go to response for those is “I’m not negotiating with myself. Make an offer.”

Reminds me of the time Hank Hill was car shopping. “That price on the sticker is the price you’ll pay, and not a dollar more.”

Next time, call the author of this article and pay him hundreds to save you thousands.

And that’s exactly why Tom is here! For a flat fee (i think like $500) he will find your exact car and DO THE HAGGLING FOR YOU! Pay $500 to save $5,000!

You intentionally pay thousands more than is needed? That is utterly bizarre.

Sarcasm? You waste thousands just because you can’t ask for a lower price?