
Best 2 car garage I have ever had. Mazda5 and a NA Miata, the van is perfectly comfortable for my family and the Miata keeps me sane.

Midlife crisis starter pack

Ta da!

Awesome user name you got there.

Finally, FINALLY a "buy this" article I can agree with. This is a smart move for normal people, and one that I wish more people would take seriously.

Not a super car, but it's pretty super. Sadly it'll soon be for sale to make room for the GT4.

Not a supercar (though it accelerates faster than some) but everyone thinks it is!

1. The Ferrari (McLaren loses first place for its batshit insane depreciation).

This is why those damn socialist northern states have inspections. My jaw dropped in disbelief the first time I heard that Florida doesn't require them. Kinda scares me a bit to think that my folks drive around down there...

Now the manager was from some northern state where they have inspections, and can hold your car or make you have it towed if its not roadworthy. However, this isn't the case in Florida, so he gets the cops on the phone and they tell him to release the car. He warns her that there's a good chance that the wheel will

that shitz grounded to the ground

I did, for the longest time. I still like to go my oil changes. but given the chance to spend the extra time with my 5 year old, I'm paying for the maintenance. however, because I've been under the car, covered in oil and other fluids. I'm not afraid to take my car somewhere because I won't be taken for a ride.

I wasn't being serious with that phrase...that is how people "imagine" themselves when they purchase an SUV,

Absolutely this. When a family of 4 pours out of a minivan after 8 hours to spend a few days at Grandma's, they look tired but calm and ready for a beer. Luggage comes out the back in an orderly fashion.

Also, they're cheaper. If you like goodies such as leather seats, DVD players, and navigation systems, a minivan will often cost $10,000 or more less than a comparably equipped midsize SUV depending on the brand. And if you don't care about any of that and just want a cheap people mover, you can get into a base model

Full agreement here from someone who appreciates honest cars and has three kids. I'm rocking a plush Chrysler T&C on a cheap lease until my youngest has graduated from baby seats.