
I traveled 392 mi (6 hours 23 min) from the DC area to Rochester, NY to buy a NB MX-5 I found on miata.net for a steal.

I knew - I knew - all of you bastards would pick someone with a fast car. You gotta pick the dude who can get it done in a shitbox. Jason Bourne > all

Will the cars cost 5000$ more for every 8 gb you add?

Your windshield wipers have been determined to be incompatible with Apple standards and have thus been disabled.

Couldn't give a damn because this is something that happens here once in a decade. Normally a high of 50 is a "cold snap" and I would gladly take a shitstorm every 10 years to know that I get 10 months of outdoor weather on my calendar.

Not even the snow wants to be in Pittsburgh.

It's different down here.. for some reason it turns to icy sh*t instantly. I was out today in my old Grand Cherokee and just sliding about with only an inch of snow on the ground. I have off road tires on it and it still sucked. I am not sure why this happens, but it does. I lived in Michigan for the first 42 years

Behold! Ze Sherman C-Vee-Tee.