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    As much as I don't think Tesla makes real cars, I agree with you. These days, "quick" has been completely redefined by EVs. So without embracing internal combustion sounds, not much is left to recommend this RS6

    But it's the all-wheel-driveiest and the reliablest. It's about the same sizeiest as other minivans.

    All this talk about Mach-E makes me hungry ...

    I had flooded my R3 once. De-flooding is very DIY-able.

    Yes, I am very fortunate with an easy commute!

    FYI my commute is slow, twisty roads and a short freeway run, 12 min usually, so I am lucky. Once my oldest is old enough to ride shotgun in a year or two, I will seriously consider the Evora. There is a gorgeous Evora GT at Aston Martin New England tempting me lol

    AFAIK the M2 is FR. Perhaps you are thinking of the M240i?

    Thanks for the explanation! Makes a lot of sense now :)

    Sweet. Each to her own!

    I’d DEFINITELY pick a slower 1-series over the M2 any day!

    Sure, if the M2's attributes tickle your fancy, power to ya. I just don’t see its advantage over its competitors if we are talking about track-ready 4-seater, but probably I am overlooking factors that are not important to me but important to someone else. As others have said, apparently the back seats are pretty

    Well, so looks like you are partially basing your opinion of a current Lotus on a previous version. ;)

    I’ll be honest — as you guessed, the F30's garbage steering (had a 2017 340i M Sport manual and tried to like it for a year) turned me off to today’s BMWs. I have yet to read anything that says their steering improved in most of their models — including the M2. I would get an Evora GT if my kids were older ...


    I mean, if that’s such a weighty issue ... ;)

    IMO a 2-door is just not worth the pain with trying to get kids in and out. But yes, options are good. If a 2-door floats your boat, power to ya!

    Macan is already a bit of a piggy when it comes to weight.

    Porque no los dos?

    Makes sense.

    Some of us do. :)