
if I have no taste because I enjoy something “crude and lazy”, then I’ll own that shit.  I’ll wear it like a badge of fuckin’ honor.   Saw “Reboot” last night. it was the most enjoyable meta-romp I’ve ever been on. 

Dropped the ball on the headline.
“Joss Whedon says ‘Once more, with feeling!’ to Buffy television series”

I have my doubts that any of those that harassed Kelly Marie Tran have actually seen Star Wars, they seem too dense to have been able to operate a television or bought a movie ticket.

Ah, I remember blowing this up a couple times, years back.

Sometimes Nazis need a good punching. We fought a war about this, please try to keep up.

He directed the pilot for “Reaper” which was a great show.

Kevin Uxbridge, proprietor of Uxbridge Realdoll Inc, COMMITTED GENOCIDE! of course he’s a villain.

Sweet freedom

I recall that scene as a kid. I had no idea what was going on until I got older.

"Mr Ailes, would it kill you to stop harassing the women who work for you?"

Ayup. Black Spiral Dancer symbol. To complete my shame, I have said symbol as a tattoo on my shoulder.

The jeeps didn’t seem to have an issue with that pothole.

I once went to see a double feature at a drive-in theater. I can't remember what the second movie was, because I was probably too busy trying to wrap my lips around the tailpipe of my the vehicle I was in after being forced to watch Face/Off.

I wouldn’t have believed it was actually Worf’s ancestor unless he couldn’t open a door.

We have something in common. Limp Bizkit almost made me quit listening to music

Most of us Slayer Fans have known he's an asshole for the last 30 years.

I wonder if they filmed them returning to civilization, and their reaction to finding out Brexit happened and Donald Trump became President of the United States…

Wolverine is a fairly mercurial character.

I'm putting this on my pull list for no other reason than to convince Dynamite to make more of these, thereby irritating the rest of you.