
Also, the woman is now in her 60s, and she’s been followed by that role for the majority of her career. Samantha jones’ characterization has always been the most one-note on that show, and also relied on a degree of ageism (im pretty sure her entire story arc in SATC 2 is that she’s going through menopause and her vag

......... “other actors have suffered the same fate of being pidgeonholed”........sigh #theGreatJerryMathers.........he had so much MORE to offer......sigh.....

Last episode I looked right over at my wife and said “Bad news babe, I’m totally in love with Tahani. Not the actress, the character.”

My favorite songs to sing in the car in no particular order are as follows:

This show is honestly one of the strongest network sitcoms ever. It’s up there with the James L. Brooks pantheon. Every character is SO well cast, the writing is tight, and the concept feels unique in a world where everything is a reboot, or a prequel, or sequel, or continuation, or “homage”.

Damn near shot water out my nose with the “it’s Chinese for ‘Japan’” line. That, and also during the trolley disasters in the last episode.

Just fine. Want to make them even weirder? Take melatonin. I had sex dream last night that involved my significant other, but also somehow involved getting caught by my high school social studies teacher. In our house. As consenting adults. 

This is one of those few shows where there is not one actor/character that is somehow annoying/bad/horribly written. Every bit of this show is masterful. Even the side demons who venture in at times are perfectly written and directed.

Hey, it worked for this guy.

YES! Because she has contempt for the people she’s supposed to be entertaining. I’ve been reading about this car wreck of a show trying to pinpoint the issue and you’ve nailed it.

Megan Kelly on The Today Show, which my grandfather, who fought in WWII, used to watch, makes me want to barf.

I feel the same about the network execs who spent a fortune on her, believing for some unknown reason that she’d be good at anything other than what she was doing at Fox.

It’s even worse than getting their lies straight. They’re just bad liars. Just bad. Like they don’t know see life the way regular people do so they don’t think anyone would find it unusual that people who sit on gold chairs would run down to CVS for hair dye.

She’s about as punk as Avril Lavigne.

Grunge was still not punk. Lots of crossover for fans I’m sure, but Grunge is a thing completely separate from punk rock. Anyone who would use the two interchangeably is an idiot. It’s like saying “I was really into the reggae scene for a while. I was obsessed Sublime as a kid.”

i think she was going for the grunge look and not punk circa 1994 given her ripped jeans and flannel. Ivanka is to authentic alternativegrunge as Candlebox was to authentic alternative/grunge.

As someone with a mohawk and tattoos: We punks respectfully refuse your application to join our club.

Let’s just talk logistics: there is zero way a teenager with a box of Nice & Easy dye could go from blue to blonde, especially with fresh blue dye. Zero. Zip. Not happening. Anyone who has ever dyed their hair ever would know this.