
Ah, yes, Obama’s cunning plan!

I agree that Trump’s gutting the State Dept. is repugnant, but I think he’s actually trying to get us into a war. He’ll get to feel like a big man, all his croneys’ coffers will fill, his bloated military budget will seem justified, and oh—how about a side order of martial law to keep the peace in the homeland?

Living, breathing example of someone who bedded down with vermin and woke up with fleas, mange, ticks, and an unusual flesh-eating rot.

He is rich and powerful and white and male. He does not give any fucks what us peasants think.

Hmmm...alternative theory:

The biggest tell of the entire day has been the administration referring to “reports” of the wiretapping. Literally, the only “reports” on the matter are from alt-right sources and that the only mainstream reports on the topic are actually covering the president saying shit on Twitter. There’s no greater expression of

I think this entire thing is really worrying, but what is really pissing me off is his misuse of “McCarthyism” considering that he is starting witch hunts himself. Talk about projection...

I hairbuy demand that someone get Trump to make statements under oath - any kind of statements, it doesn’t matter. Trump being Trump, 8 out of 10 things he says will be demonstrable lies. It would be so sweet.

Nope, any tweet that has to do with matters of running the country or his Admin or even tangentially related to presidenting falls under the public records act and are supposed to not be deleted. It’s just so minor compared to all the other laws he’s breaking.

It’s not. He’s supposed to preserve all of them because of the public records act for any tweet related to official business.

I assume it’s like those rich guys with terrible toupees (or terrible comb overs). They think they look great and no one around them will tell them any different.

Now playing

Here, do what I do when I need a laugh and a break from the real Trump administration. I go watch Conan’s running sketch of calls between Obama and Trump. These sketches never get old.

Regardless of what he did in the past, the real question is whether or not any of this is legal. According to BuzzFeed, Indiana state law doesn’t require government officials to use government email addresses, but they have to make sure that all of their correspondence is “preserved and managed in accordance with

At least he will support an investigation into this matter, right?

If Trump makes it a year into his presidency, we’ll move to a 100% grift-based economy, just swindling each other back & forth. I’ve been trying to think of a good grift for Trump voters.

The simpler explanation is usually more true. Everything can be explained by Trump neither knowing how the government works nor being interested in learning.

How was it “honest as he understood it at the time”?

They were supposed to dress like a Kardashian going clubbing.

Even married seniors fight over the dumbest shit. The fights I have witnessed because one doesn’t hear so well and the other one needs an extra 2% of patience...