Because ethics rules and laws only apply to Democrats.
Because ethics rules and laws only apply to Democrats.
Fox News had a very misleading segment where an American filmmaker went to Sweden to try and prove the horrors of refugees. He reported sparsely in the report some “facts” that crime including rape have gone up. The report did not say who the attackers and who the victims were but in typical Fox news fashion implied…
While it is interesting to think about, the Russian professor seems really disconnected from the spheres of political power in this hemisphere. His map and distribution seems much more like how bigger powers in Europe have influenced and even invaded lesser powers over the last several centuries — a European model…
He is in Utah. Even with their former presidential candidate against Trump, Utah still voted for Trump.
No, unfortunately the joke is on us and it’s not funny. Rich are almost never held accountable for their crimes in this country. and the damage they will do before the next election is astounding.
Ben Carson is a brain surgeon. Doesn’t mean Carson or Oz are qualified to advise on anything other than brain surgery and cardiac issues, respectively.
My guideline is to ignore Oprah’s diet recommendations as well as her pseudoscience psychology “experts.”
You can order Marks and Spencer now in the US, not only do they make good, inexpensive underwear, they also have an all cotton line.
Send a physical letter via USPS to one of his district offices, better if sent to a district office in a more red area. Send another letter to his campaign office. Send a third to his DC office. When his staff are overloaded, they will get the message to him. They can turn off phones and not even open the email…
Maybe all of us who have the money and vacation days to miss a day of work should pitch in to pay for the wages of those who cannot. I have been at the point where the $ from a day’s work was the different between eating and not eating.
I think the difference between where we in the US are today and the Polish women is that the Polish women have within living memory of when opposition to the regime already had great risk and not just the threat of future risk that we face here in the US. In the late 1800s through the 1930s, our workers in the US…
Can you please read Arendt’s Banality of Evil (Eichmann in Jerusalem) while you spend the next 4 years sticking your head in the sand? You will see what happens when people are passive in the face of evil.
Before I was treated for anxiety and major depression, I had incredible fears of falling down stairs. I would feel sorry for Trump’s untreated mental illnesses if he hadn’t also been a horrible human his entire life.