
"Sometimes, they would eschew poisoning their customers and simply shrink down loaves to make people believe they were buying more food than they got."

Wow. That is some serious Scarlett Johanspin.

This story is certainly outrageous, and he's fully entitled to compensation, but $87k worth of damage smacks of opportunism and sensationalism, and I'd want to know more details about that before taking his side for that aspect of the problem. Kudos to AirBnB for responding quickly.

There's also the reality that while

Does California have a conceal/carry law for these? You just want to be prepared.

A very astute read on this situation. Thanks for this. I have been in a quandry about this "Woody Allen" thing for years. I think he is a truly gifted individual and has advanced thoughtful film in a dumbed down industry. It is really difficult to separate the art from the maker, but we are at the moment too close to

I'm all for exposing abuse for what it is and taking people to task for it, and those who have suffered should be applauded for the bravery of their act of confession, but as an aspiring filmmaker inspired by Woody's art, I think it does a disservice to artists and to abuse victims to conflate his misdeeds and his art

Just because her brother is a convicted pedophile doesn't mean Woody didn't do it. It wouldn't surprise me that Mia would gravitate towards him. It actually happens quite often. Maybe the brother didn't have the access to her at the time. So he would not be a suspect. He was taking pics of an underage Soon-Yi and had

Yeah, it really inconveniences people when you start talking about your sexual abuse. People have to look at the abuser in a completely different way, a way they don't really like. People have to consider their own morals and beliefs and ideals, and confront things they don't like confronting. In my case, it was