
Take the leftover pie crust dough, sprinkle a bit of sugar (and cinnamon, if you wanna get fancy) on it, roll it up, and bake it. Perfection.

This is a complicated question. Please bear in mind that I've not taught in the US since No Child Left Behind was repealed, so things may have changed.

The solution is always more testing! Keep ETS in business!

3-his dreaminess

Yep. We sent those lists home too. Unfortunately, a lot of parents cannot afford to send supplies. And, more unfortunately, there is a subset of people who don't think they should have to spend money on "nonessentials" like Kleenex for kids, because tissues don't help kids learn. The only thing a snot-nosed kid

I dig. I'm not really laughing either. I am mostly taking solace in the solidarity. I am an American, but I don't live there right now. From the outside, I feel isolated and worry that my home is falling apart (with global repercussions). But it heartens me to see Americans who aren't buying what Trump isolated

Well, I did have a ten-year-old Honda that my stepdad had given me. So you're not wrong!

Fun fact: the year that I first started teaching, I was given fifty dollars to spend however I wanted on stuff for my classroom.
Fifty dollars! If you've been around children much at all, you know that you could easily spend fifty dollars just keeping them supplied in Kleenex for a year. No, the school did not give me

We are worried, too. Some of us are even terrified. Please don't think people are *just* taking this lightly.

I sort of believe it. But it also makes me feel ok about wearing lipstick, so I give it a pass.

There is a "normal ban" on mocking appearance? When was this put in place? Clearly some time after I was in school. It must have been after I taught school even. Or after the last "most disgusting beach bodies" issue published by whatever supermarket tabloid. So like… maybe it was a recent executive order that I

…but it's not supposed to resemble chili?

Yeah, corn is a pretty common topping on pizza outside of North America. At first it seemed weird to me, too, but now it just seems unnecessary, since it does little to alter the flavor.

I don't think I've had it with cinnamon. But any version I've had would've been a bastardized vegetarian version anyway.

I am not from Cincinnati, and my inclination to think any part of Ohio that is south of Akron is trash. However, I do not understand the widespread contempt for Cincinnati chili. It's pasta with some saucy beans on it. What's wrong with that?

I know, right? Have they never seen an embarrassed-looking middle school girl with a jacket strategically tied around her waist? That would never happen if we could control it.

To be fair, vaginas do seem to perplex many folks. Common misconceptions: urine comes from vaginas, menstrual bleeding is controllable, if the vagina is moist then the lady it's attached to wants sex, etc. Another misconception is that the female anatomy refuses to get pregnant when raped, but that isn't

In fact, not good for peeing at all!

Weirdly, it kind of reminds me of Jeff Koons's "Made in Heaven" photos. I mean in composition, set design, and image quality. Not in porniness.

Two hands if the person has seniority over you, otherwise you can use as many hands as you please.