
I have unfollowed all people on Facebook, and only follow news sources. I don't like spending hours on Facebook scrolling through memes posted by friends. But I like the option of being able to individually visit a friend's page and see what/he she is up to. Unfollowing people lets me do this.

Can we talk for a moment about how amazing Stevie Wonder is? Because his existence might be a legit argument for the existence of God. I'd buy into it sooner than that watchmaker thing, anyway.

Maybe because they perceive him as a "successful businessman." Although I've seen little evidence that he was that successful, and am continually perplexed by many Americans' belief that things that are not businesses (such as education, or say, the government) should be run like businesses.

Large, flat pieces of fried dough dusted in sugar.

I've lived in Korea for six years, and am married to a Korean. Not once have I seen anyone use a sausage to operate a mobile phone. "Wait, Wait" should not advance such flimflam.

Not really.

Can we please also make fun of you for how you say pasta? Because that is inexplicable.

I've specifically requested that my family perform to the song "Rubberband Man" by The Spinners, and I want them to replicate The Spinners choreography complete with the enormous rubberbands.
https://youtu.be/kKbADFJOCkU for reference.

As I said to a friend: we should have mandatory voting laws, but that'll never happen, because it would make voter suppression more of a hassle.

In my experience, a lot of Amish use Greyhound. The Amish are many things, but they are not the sort to give people shit.

Well. What you said, plus money.

For reals. As a lady in the back half of her thirties, my time to have a child is limited. I want one, but at the same time…this is not the world I want my baby to inherit.

It is worth noting that the rest of the world has its own problems. Europe has a rising right of its own (see: Germany, France). There's the Ukraine, still. Asia has some troubles, too. The Philippines. Where I live, S. Korea, the president is embroiled in scandal and 95% of the population wants her impeached.

I worry less about the likelihood of him "pressing the button" than I do about him doing something that could abruptly destabilize large parts of the globe. As an American who lives in Korea, it makes me question the wisdom of staying here. Of course, moving to the US is a worry too, since that would make my husband

Sherrod Brown is rad, and he's my sole political solace as an Ohioan. But does anyone outside of Ohio know who he is?

Some drop out, then come back, and others drop out and do the same. It is an interesting longitudinal document, even if there are some gaps in it.

I grew up in NE Ohio, and I consider Columbus and anything below it the south. I also consider NW Ohio to be Indiana. It's the corn, really.

As an overseas voter, I got my ballot Sept. 24, and, since I'm registered in the swingiest of swing states, I mailed that sucker ASAP. Didn't want to risk it not coming in on time.

Every Salvation Army in the country has about a dozen copies of it…

I really liked this book when I was a kid; it didn't seem like there were many unlikable/antihero girl protagonists back when I was a whippersnapper. Gilly was an exception.
I'm sort of curious about how the issue of race is handled in the movie. The book's attitude towards race was ultimately progressive (if I