Dainty Unicorn

I don't think he was wrong to let Fuller know that he did not want a child with her. Especially if he did not see a future with her. I also don't think he's wrong to want custody of his child now. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call for his future extracurricular encounters. No tea. No shade.

This. It's a nice break from the teachers sexing students articles.

You're drunk, G. Eat some waffles and take a nap. Tomorrow's a new day.

He lost me at Los Feliz.

Congrats, Hayden Pantytears. I always thought I'd be the first Mrs. Wlad and have his giant baby. I call seconds!

Umm...pretty sure that truck sells more than ice cream. Munchies, anyone?

Everytime I see his face, I want to take a shit on it. And not in a sexy way. Let's be clear on that.

This kid is adorbs. He didn't mean no harm. Set him free!

DON'T LEAVE!!! STAY! STAY AS LONG AS YOU CAN!!! You will be missed, Dodai. Good luck on your new path.

I'm glad George went through with the wedding. If he hadn't, I would have for sure. She's my new lady crush. I'm totes jelly. She's everything I wish I could be.

Hey, Y'all!

I'm OK with this as long as he has at least one full frontal nudity shot in every action film. We'll call it even.

Make it Cherry Cola and Haribo Gold Gummi Bears and I'm in!

Mr. Vice President, you just earned yourself one consensual blowjob to be redeemed at your convenience. You're welcome.

I wish this post was required reading in Middle and High Schools everywhere. I was taught Sex Ed by the mothers in my Girl Scout troop. My parents gave me the "sex talk" which consisted of this and only this: "Don't have it." Verbatim. I don't know if it's because of them or in spite of the world that I can count my

I only came here to say Little Gwynnie Paltrow is a damn lie. Any woman worth her weight in cold (a typo...I'm keeping it) would be jealous of her ex-hubby picking a younger, prettier version post-breakup. It's about to be a what? A gurl fight! They just don't know it yet. Ladies, to your corners!

Richard Madden is gloriously beautiful. He is mos def at the top of my fantasy romp list.