
Liberals lose elections because they refuse to show up to vote in midterms.

When Noah was announced everyone went back to his older standup and... were confused. He’s not a great comedian. He’s not a fantastic anchor and he downright doesn’t seem to understand politics the same way that Stewart does (and Bee does phenominally, now). I think you’re absolutely right that CC went for style over

Wow. It is almost like these owners of hugely expensive supercars have never heard of rally. I mean, shitttt... those roads are perfect.

The whole thing was never an actual issue. And frankly, setting a precedent to exclude based on race would have been used against minorities even though this was generally positive.

This must have been the most casual fear of one’s life ever. Since none of it was at all anywhere close to a threat.

The disadvantage is that, in the rare instances when the driver is intent on shooting the officer, the officer is more vulnerable when on the passenger side

Mostly because the people we’re cutting ties with are so awful we can’t even place ourselves before their jackassness.

Yep. She’s absolutely right on every concept.

But I bet meeting women from the US will inherently change their whole ideal of concept.

I know... “rights for upper-middle-class white gay folks are totally the same as the constant issue POC go through every day of their own lives.

“Some old white dude” is saying exactly what Muslim activists are saying. He’s obviously a fraud.

It seems, by definition, the label “slut” is something men should be pinned to more than women.

As a teen in the ‘90's, I had girlfriends who were given that speech by fathers and mothers.

The whole thing feels like the mother is talking from where my own parents were... coming of age in the 60's and especially 70's.

The things I’d do back then that I’m far too lazy to do now!

These days when my phone rings I worry. Because the only time people really ever call me is when something is maybe wrong.

Lol... nah. Though I certainly have friend who are wicked into it and am, myself, a little involved with the local kink scene. I have an old furry con shirt from like... 2004... that a friend got for me after knowing how much I love kittens and the art was really cool.

I mean... I’d never crash someone’s erotic-focused World of Darkness campaign.

I’m a man and I could never, ever do the “hookup” thing. I need an emotional, intimate connection.