
This is about populism and once again the reactionary GOP beat us to the punch.

He’ll be center-right in ten years.

No. If the nominee isn’t confirmed by the time a new sitting President takes office it is within the rights and responsibilities to negotiate a new appointee.

This strikes me as a time when honesty is not the best policy

No. Obama is a centrist. He’s a New Democrat. He is not a left-wing president. That is primarily because he, like the rest of the DNC and the GOP, is a corporatist.

Unless that nominee is Clinton who will happily put another deficient “liberal” on a bench to represent a country that isn’t represented by 70-year-old-privileged-white-men.

Would you rather he was not honest and just marched in order? Because that would make him a Republican.

I just... if we had any “hope” remaining for Obama to lame duck who he really is... we just got hoodwinked.

“Because, Mr. Journalist, we can. Go fuck off.

Except that Clinton would never, ever do something like that. If Clinton gets elected we’ll see more nominees like... well this. Mostly-conservatives since the DNC folds as soon as the GOP opens their big mouths.

They’re nominating a conservative. This won’t backfire, so sir!

What? Merrick is a conservative.

Go fuck yourself. I’m an Anarchist and I support more equality than your small brain can even conceive of fighting for. Back before Feminism was hijacked by people trying to sell you shit because you’re a woman (which is really fucking distressing) it was about Feminism being a an important social aspect of leftist

Right. And you need to work on your skills to not go for the jugular but to actually engage with the process. If you want to make me into the “bad guy” I’m going to do the same since none of it is based in any reality. But I guess your public opinion is more important than actually helping people. Who cares how many

I really bet that dude will never do that again.

Dear god. I want a liberal not a 1% conservative. And that is what she is. Clinton is a conservative. She always has been and always will.

Of everyone running for President, Clinton has the largest hurdle of being seen as “robotic” aside from Rubio. Why? Because she is robotic about responses and positions.

Look, as ridiculous as this is my sister and I used to love playing “attack the babysitter”. We actually had a football-playing meathead babysitter (who was a good guy... his younger brother, though, gave me a bloody nose once so I gave him one back) when my sister and I were both under 10 who used to “play wrestling”

“OW! OW! OW!”

Because if the government wants to make it so you did something wrong, they can. We all commit numerous minor crimes every day. Our social contract allows for us to ignore non-threatening law-breaking (like who are hurt by someone carefully running across a street outside of a crosswalk?).