Sure. Or Obama could have nominated an actual liberal and played the same hardball as the GOP plays.
Sure. Or Obama could have nominated an actual liberal and played the same hardball as the GOP plays.
As much as they want the discourse to not be about this, both Clinton and Obama are very much New Democrats.
It will backfire. The GOP will accept him and they’ll have a judicial conservative majority again.
Oh yeah, having a New Democrat President means conservative SC nominees. And we’re hopeful about Clinton’s potential presidency because..?
It will backfire because the GOP will accept him and then have their conservative majority back.
And then he’ll vote with conservatives on the court. Totally worth it to score some quick political points. This isn’t a guy who is rushing to defend Roe v. Wade.
President Hillary Clinton.
No, this is line with Obama and Clinton both being New Democrats. New Democrats are the enemy, here. They’re what the GOP used to before Dems going right allowed them to go crazy-right.
I’m upset that he has a very moderate and anti-government record. He’s a Clinton New Democrat and will vote with the conservatives more than with the liberals.
Maybe we should just take some of us out back and shoot them, eh?
Yeah. She does. Wealthy White Woman Feminism! Woo!
He’ll run again and win. Clinton will be there to play damage control as soon as she’s sworn in.
Don’t worry, Clinton will quietly appoint them to federal positions after she wins.
This is 110% political grandstanding. NK was just hit with huge sanctions, it is springtime when NK usually starts their major saber-rattling against the... world, and overall NK is looking to harm the US in any way possible. This was about forcing him to create an imaginary conspiracy that can be used internally to,…
I’m amazed that the State Dept. allows travel at all.
The absolute absurdity of the punishment makes this a situation where I can only feel sympathy.
There isn’t and won’t be. We need to de-arm police to realize they don’t need to shoot people to effectively do their job.
But... but... don’t you know all of this is really about sexism? Attacks on Rahm are actually about Hilary Clinton’s gender and suggesting that Rahm is wrong is basically being a bigot.
When PA goes Clinton we know why.