
Uhhh. she’s a woman and therefore this whole article is sexist.

What is it with Jez authors taking to these pages to justify their poor choices in food consumption. Between this and Jia’s “I’m in my early twenties and will use this to not learn impulse control” I just feel like the whole of Jez staff thinks they’re hipster-cool for eating nasty fast food.

I just want to point out that while I received 29 stars on this post not a single person actually extrapolated.

This reads like every “dominant” man I’ve ever met who really just wants a submissive woman so he can take his anger out on her every night.

Exactly. This guy must have been the sleaziest of sleazes.

I did the update on two PCs. No hitches. No worries since, either.

We need to be careful with this since it is often used to punish the HIV+ community overwhelmingly. A high-profile individual? Not where we make a stand.

Don’t forget that many schools (depending on geography) also give out bowls of condoms in the nurses’ office. I know myself and... a majority of my sexually active friends took advantage of that even as just a means of avoiding having a gawking teenage boy at CVS sell you a pack of contraceptives while giggling.

As someone who lets people bully me into doing things I often don’t want to do, that’s where I went.

At the time they put a lot of effort into throwing enough clues to the very closed-off-still LGBT community while allowing WASPs to think what they wanted. The Aries stuff and such was all red herring to keep the show from being taken off the air by the Parent’s Counsel, who likely would have succeeded at the time.

I think I agree... and I think that you’re hitting something that could be awesome and isn’t that often shown as an inherent characteristic: That Xena should be desired and have desires, but that she has an iron-fisted control over who/what/where/when/how.

Police need to re-evaluate their response protocols. They need to be able to pull up a direct IP/address from every 911 call and create a set of triage procedures with escalating responses. A robo-voice from a masked IP internet call should lead to less of an aggressive/insane response than someone identifying

Do you know how much overtime pay that is? There’s your answer. SWAT responses are also really good chances for cops to be able to shoot/beat/tazer people with impunity.

Mighty Mouse... streams..? OMG

I think the Girl Scouts are getting very wise. Tables outside a dispensary? check, perfect example of meeting a demand.

Maybe because Millennials don’t want 90's politics.

Absolutely. I agree 100%.

So, a topical version of “not all men”?

Then re-state your point.

Right, the young men supporting the Socialist are the ones who hope women go down... by supporting policies like free access to healthcare and merit based abilities for students to attend schools they couldn’t if it were up to their sexist parents.