
Their records are the same but there exists light-years between platforms.

It’s also reminding me why I hate millennials (before anyone whines I am one).

Because stock is boring as shit. Bring Rally to the US and we’ll fall in love with racing again. Nothing says “America” like having to dig your own car out of the ditch your navigator put you in while cussing him out all the while.

Except they are light-years apart in actual policy.

Or maybe you can treat them like real people and assume that women are coming to their own conclusions. It isn’t like we’re trying to figure out why women are flocking to Ben Carson. Liberal women are flocking to Sanders in a large part because Warren didn’t run. Oh, and men too. I wish this were Clinton V. Warren.

The stupidity of the populace is a constant.

The conservative liberal vote? What’s that?

Another example of how white male anger is driving this election

Care to extrapolate?

I feel Sanders’ comments belie a misunderstanding of the issues of race in America as being solely about economics.

Fourteenth. Amendment.

This is the kind of zero-sum, feel-good bullshit that is specifically why we have trouble addressing these issues.

Not, “well actually”. Racism (and any negative “ism”) has a documented reality in being about economics. It is easier to get your local government to pass laws making the “other” hard to hire than it is to get our local governments to protect the need for a living wage.

Exactly. If almost every time is fine... that isn’t enough.

At least licensed taxis are answerable to SOMEONE.

This is what we get when we give up on ideals and work off of stats. It’s the “fivethirtysixing” of the world.

you could argue that someone pulling the trigger and the bullet coming out is exactly how the gun is supposed to function?

ooooh... that’s a sick burn.

Every week we get mad they only give her 30 minutes. She needs a FULL HOUR!