If someone uses bay leaves properly, you shouldn’t have much of an idea of how they taste since they’re generally a very subtle flavor which enhances other flavors. Kinda in a way like how salt increases certain senses of taste.
If someone uses bay leaves properly, you shouldn’t have much of an idea of how they taste since they’re generally a very subtle flavor which enhances other flavors. Kinda in a way like how salt increases certain senses of taste.
I use bay leaves in a few dishes. Bay leaves have a distinct floral taste and aroma. Mostly, they enhance the base flavors and provide a subtle earthiness. It is the easiest way to “bulk up” flavor in a dish like a rice or stew.
Money is the root of racism. An equal playing field for all Americans and a living wage would eliminate many of the causes of racism: i.e. the feeling that someone different is competing against you. It would create a monolith middle-class where most Americans would have more in common than they had difference.
That’s the core of it. We hate guns, sure, but the answer isn’t to create a legal precedent where we are able to sue people for things they had no direct part in doing. I want to see gun manufacturers shut down, but not in a way that would allow any large corporation with legions of lawyers to abuse the precedent to…
I think the issue is that Sanders is telling hard truths. What I get from this is the postmodern concept that perception is more important than reality.
Loser.com now redirects to Trump’s wiki page.
And would likely give you too much of the same :/
Flawless... trolling? Should we launch hate campaigns every time you call men Dicks or Assholes?
I honestly see no reason for a public servant to resign over use of common slang.
How much should a patient worry? I often see my PCP for routine visits where I feel like something is off and I get pushback from my doctor.
she had always enjoyed approaching fellow gamers out in the “wild,” because of the sense of community
And while companies give him millions to shill for them he just adds to this culture where he laughs at his luck-based success. It certainly isn’t because he worked hard.
Our system has embraced “separate-but-equal” policies. Except now the white cop is the “other”.
Because the groups who actually own artists’ work give millions to the GOP to defend stuff like DOMA.
Then she should stop selling her work to the highest bidder. But then again, we see how money would rather a voice be silent than make money aside from their own money: see, KEISHA.
Isn’t Billy Corgan a rapist?
Hehe... I like this snark.
Can I ask? There is such an industry behind “kegels” as some sort of miracle sex tip.
Nope. This is exactly the kind of shit that makes the uncomfortable point that any sort of accusation must be vetted (preferably in private) before being used as a weapon. Accusations and a culture of zero-sum, turn-off-your-head thinking ends up used by the less scrupulous as a means to terrorize and harm “others”…