The pacing early on was great - 1 episode per issue. They should have kept that up or even quickened it a little.
The pacing early on was great - 1 episode per issue. They should have kept that up or even quickened it a little.
Good point. I'm surprised that the Whisperers are still going on after so long… Maybe I will pick it up again after all.
Eh, maybe I'll pick up the comic again - I just rolled my eyes so hard when they ran into the Whisperers. It starting feeling like the same cycle over and over - things seem safe, group of freaks shows up to disrupt everything, fight, win, move on, repeat. Do things change up after, I'm assuming, this newest threat is…
Well, sorry for throwing all that out there, but that's exactly my opinion, the show has done a poor job of adapting even the best parts of the comic, and even the comic started getting boring after so long.
Fair enough, that's just where I got bored with the story.
The show ran out of creativity in season 2 honestly. They also cram too many episodes into each season, so everything just drags on and on. The comics also ran out of creativity right about when *SPOILERS* Negan is defeated and imprisoned.