
Yeah no, it’s not a slippery slope if it’s a documented event. You think racist purges just happened over night? It starts subtle. Nobody wakes up one morning and goes “Hey, I think I’m pretty okay with rounding up jews/homosexuals/other minorities and sticking them in a camp.” This shit builds gradually, as more and

If you are actively showing you have no fucks to give about other people who have done nothing wrong to you, do you really deserve to benefit from society any more? Anyone who says “Sticks and Stones” doesn’t know shit about how much impact socially condoning these kind of jokes has.

You mean people are using their free speech to criticise yours? Truly you are a victim, histrionic coward.

If you don’t know that making crass jokes about dead children will offend your potential audience and create headaches for your sponsors, then you suck at your job and deserve to be fired.

Shut up you tit, He was perfectly happy to make jokes at the expense of murdered children knowing full well that children were present at concert and that many probably were killed. He made his pathetic joke publicly, it is open to public critism and the asshole does deserve to lose all his sponsorship deals as a

It doesn’t take much to be on higher moral ground than someone joking about people (some of whom are likely children) dying so that he can be edgy about how much he dislikes a pop star.

You reap what you sew. If you’re going to try and make your cash off the suffering of others, you deserve what you get.

Where is the alt-reichs “It’s really about censorship in gaming journalism about terrorist attacks” rejoinder?