
Are we gonna talk about the bit where Kanye approved of Tyga "getting in early" with Kylie?

Honorable Mention: The Bush Administration decides to use a source so unreliable he was nicknamed "Curveball" as their main justification for invading Iraq.

I just lease them from Feed The Children. The rates are reasonable.

'And No One will Remember it'

Palin/Evans '16

Does this mean a return to The Learning Channel (TLC) becoming once again The Learning Channel, as in a channel about actual learning and not little people, polygamists, families with vaginal-clown car matriarchs, and pedophile bait pageant programs?

So, are you implying the pyramids weren't built by ancient aliens with access to Nazi time travel technology pieced together with overpriced junk from a Las Vegas pawn shop? Get real!

True, but let's not forget the difference between your and you're.

This is Texas. Federal laws are for other states.

I feel kinda bad for Jesus for having to hear her go on about it for hours.

I think we have evidence of that already. It was done from about 800BC through 400AD and gave us what we call the Bible.

Billy, I hate to nitpick, but I have a problem with the headline. The phrase "insane, masturbatory rampage" should be "insane masturbatory rampage." You shouldn't use a comma when the last adjective outranks its predecessor and is an integral part of the noun phrase. In this case, the rampage is not both insane

The Internet: Where "I do not agree with you" turns into "I will fucking murder your entire family".

"Actually, it's about ethics in journalism."

I'm still trying to figure this one out.

The White House is the hardest Gym to get the badge from. No one ever makes it past the Trainers on the lawn.

Why did Kanye let her finish?