My Weird Garage

The EB still won’t baby, nor will go through muddy terrain anywhere nearly as proficient as the WRX, if at all. I love how your compromise with the minivan is acceptable and you get it, but the WRX/STi is just incomprehensible.

“The beloved Mazda6, beautiful and elegantly styled as it is”

No it couldn’t.

What will really eat at you is all the nits that you missed. I’ll just let you simmer in that.

Why didn’t they contact you before they made this video? You’re a well known (I think-I only read jalopnik for car stuff so I’m not really sure) Jeep expert.

In the clip above, Stewart is asked about how he reacted to the revelations and C.K.’s admittance of guilt, and says he was “stunned.”

Sean — and I say this with an incredible amount of respect for you as a writer (one of my favorites on the internet), a journalist, and a person — this is legitimately clickbait bullshit. The mountain of qualifiers heaped in the second half of this article practically unwrites the first and proves that point. Except

Dude, just stop. Any performance car under $40k could be considered a hopped up econobox. Why? Because they are almost ALL hopped up econoboxes.

Your username seems counterintuitive to the thought that a person should repress their opinions to make you feel better.

As of 2016, RR Racing in PA has been selling tune’s non stop, there is another called OVTune, but less owners have it. The headers have been proven to be a poor design with people gaining up to 30whp alone just from them, the catbacks have proven to gain about 20-28whp also themselves, together with tunes people have

Coming from you that literally means nothing.

It doesn’t have rivets, so I’m good. It’s a perfect seam, and lines up perfectly to everything else. No problems here, and certainly not “atrocious” IMO.

Well lets wrap it up, clearly the loudest voices on the internet are always right!

Beat me to it. Have an upvote.

Doesn’t everything?

Keurigs suck. But I also think coffee is a trash beverage, so I don’t even know what I’m doing here.

“Hot Take: All coffee is bad and you’re just addicted to caffeine” he says condescendingly while using smokeless tobacco, irony in full force.

40 hours really isn’t that long for a PC game in my opinion. I am also married with a full time job and I still play usually 1-2 hours of gaming a night. 40 hours would only take me 2-4 weeks. That doesn’t seem that long at all.

Devs can’t win. They seriously can’t win. If you throw all the toys in the goddamn toybox at the player’s feet out of the box they bitch and moan because there’s no replay value. Give the players a reason to keep playing and they bitch because they have to play for too long to unlock the rewards.